Our Approach


Welcome to an exploration that intertwines ancient art with modern mindfulness.

Shibari, the traditional Japanese art of rope bondage, is not just about intricate knots and patterns; it's a dance of trust, communication, and connection. At its core, Shibari is a form of artistic expression, a deep communication without words, and a journey into the realms of trust and vulnerability.

Enter Muganawa - a unique and intentional approach to Shibari. Muganawa means "egoless rope" and embodies a philosophy of mindfulness, empathy, and focused connection. In Muganawa, the rigger (the one who ties) approaches the practice with a mindset of selflessness, prioritizing the experience, desires, and emotional journey of the bunny (the one being tied). This practice is about cultivating an experience that transcends physical ties, nurturing a space where exploration, empowerment, and self-discovery flourish.

Our goal with Muganawa is to initiate a paradigm shift in how Shibari is perceived and practiced. We aim to strip away misconceptions and reveal the true essence of Shibari as a form of deep connection, mutual respect, and emotional exploration. Through Muganawa, we aspire to transform Shibari from a misunderstood practice into a recognized form of intimate art and personal growth.

Join us in this journey as we unravel the depths of Shibari through the mindful practice of Muganawa. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or new to the world of rope art, we invite you to experience this transformative practice and contribute to reshaping its perception. Together, let's explore the beauty, artistry, and emotional depth of Shibari.

A Vital Message on the Impact of Ego in Shibari and the Healing Power of a Holistic Approach

Dear Community,

In the world of Shibari and BDSM, the influence of ego can cast long shadows, not only on how this beautiful art form is perceived but also on the safety and well-being of those who practice it. An excess of ego – prioritizing personal desires or a sense of control over the mutual respect and empathy that should anchor these practices – distorts the true essence of Shibari. This not only endangers individuals but also skews public perception, painting a picture far removed from the art's core values.

In Shibari, the balance of power, trust, and consent is delicate. When ego takes the lead, this balance is disrupted, leading to potential physical and emotional harm. The practice, meant to be a consensual exploration of vulnerability and strength, can instead become a space where boundaries are overstepped, and the art form's integrity is compromised.

However, there is a path of healing and transformation, both for individuals and for the broader understanding of Shibari. By embracing a holistic approach – one that weaves together the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the practice – we can restore its true nature. This approach, embodied in the principles of Muganawa, encourages practitioners to engage with humility, empathy, and a deep respect for the shared journey.

Through this holistic lens, Shibari becomes more than just an art form; it transforms into a medium for healing, self-discovery, and profound connection. It's a practice where mutual respect and understanding are paramount, where each tie and knot is a conversation in trust and an exploration of inner landscapes.

Our mission is clear: to shift the perceptions of Shibari from a practice dominated by ego to one illuminated by holistic empathy and understanding. We believe that by fostering this change, we can not only ensure the safety and fulfillment of those who participate but also reveal the true beauty and depth of Shibari.

Join us in this commitment to reshape the narrative around Shibari, to promote a practice that is safe, respectful, and deeply healing. Together, let's untangle misconceptions and weave a new understanding, rooted in the authentic spirit of this extraordinary art form.

With respect and hope for a brighter future in our practice,

Master Pocketz

Bondage-Directed Somatic Medicine

Bondage-Directed Somatic Medicine (BDSM) is a lot like massage.

While some learn massage to enhance their erotic connections with others, some learn massage to practice it professionally and platonically. The massage itself isn’t seen as sexual, however, that energy can be applied if desired. It is however an intimate, vulnerable, and sensorial experience.

Bondage-Directed Somatic Medicine is a technical and sensorial practice that we took a long time to create. We have dedicated ourselves to practicing BDSM professionally and platonically as we incorporate it into our somatic coaching. 

Bondage-Directed Somatic Medicine is an egoless approach. We are here to serve and guide you through a sensorial experience. Our desire as practitioners is only to hold space for you. In this container, it’s about what you would like to feel and experience. Enthusiastic and informed consent is of the highest importance and you will not experience anything that you haven’t already agreed to.

The intention is to sink into these sensations and ask ourselves questions such as:

“Why do I want to experience these sensations?”

“What do I like about these sensations?”

“What need is being satisfied?”


“What am I learning about myself through these sensations?”

For more information on Bondage-Directed Somatic Medicine and our practices, you can check out our blog.


Enthusiastic and Informed Consent

Core Values

The 7 Pillars of Dominance

The Rights of a Submissive

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