Rope Ambassadors Initiative

Make $$$ while making an impact.

We’re excited to introduce you to our brand-new program, the Rope Ambassadors Initiative, designed to revolutionize how we view and engage with Shibari and BDSM practices.

As a Rope Ambassador, you'll be at the forefront of this transformative journey.

Redefining Shibari & BDSM

Our goal is simple yet profound: to change the societal perception of Shibari and BDSM. These practices, when approached holistically and platonically, open up a world of understanding and acceptance. You, as an ambassador, are critical in spreading this awareness and showcasing the depth and diversity of these practices.

What is the Rope Ambassadors Initiative?

In essence, it’s affiliate marketing with a purpose. You'll earn commissions by promoting our unique range of products and services. This includes everything on our site – from private session bookings to merchandise like shirts.

How Does It Work?

  1. Sign Up: Joining is easy and free. Just sign up for our Rope Ambassadors Initiative.

  2. Access Your Dashboard: Once you're part of the team, you'll get access to a personalized dashboard to track your progress.

  3. Promotional Tools: We'll provide you with a special link and discount code.

  4. Share and Earn: When someone makes a purchase using your code, they get a 10% discount, and you earn a 10% commission. If they use just the link, they won't get the discount, making your code a powerful tool for savings and earnings!

Rewards for Your Efforts

  • Weekly Payouts: We make commission payments every Friday, with a minimum payout of $20.

  • Bonuses for High Performers: Exceptional performance could earn you free products, sessions, and even higher commission rates.

We're on the lookout for passionate individuals who are eager to share this perspective and lifestyle. If you feel a calling towards this initiative and believe you can make a difference, this is your chance to make an impact.

Ready to Join? Click below to start your journey as a Rope Ambassador and be a part of changing perceptions while earning rewards.